This article describes the main components used evaporative cooling in a cooler and explains the role of the individual parts. The function of each part to work in line with the other parties to form a working group of cold is also explained.
Evaporative coolers work by hot air outside the building through a damp cloth. work to the outside air before it gets cold in the house. Yoh air is not only cold, but damp. This process is the most important of several possibleEvaporative cooler parts - the pump. the thermometer. the pad and the fan. Without these key components of evaporative cooling. Evaporative coolers are not able to do its job.
Under the wet pad evaporative coolers
The pads in the evaporative cooler is probably one of the main parts of evaporative cooling, air can be cooled by it. Sun, it is important that the pad is highly absorbent, if the water will be pumped into the radiator. Indeed. theStandard rate of diapers should be between 60% and 90%. depending on the type of material used.
One of the most common measurements are those made from wood fibers of poplar, which are well packed in plastic netting. While there are also synthetic fibers used for the production of these pads on the market. perform less well than than the poplar. Other than that. the thickness of the pad determines the effectiveness of the pad. the thickness, with largeAbsorption strength.
Another type of wet-pad, the rigid sheet of corrugated cardboard pads has stacked together. A difference with the tablets of wood fiber or poplar. They are much thicker, but are able to withstand wind speeds much higher than the fiber pads. Although they are expensive as well. that require less maintenance and therefore may be cheaper in the long run.
Why do we need the pump?
Circulation is another center of evaporative coolers,circulates the water inside the evaporative cooler. So, go through the damp cloth to cool. In order to keep the water fresh. it must be circulated by the pump. would work much like a radiator.
The process of guiding the air through the radiator fan
The fan is an essential key to be pulling the evaporative cooling hot air is cooled by evaporative cooling and through the damp cloth. first in this interior region. The number of inputsEvaporative cooling in which the fan sucks the air out depends on the type of pads used wet. This is used with multiple inputs. The air speed is reduced.
All in all. the effectiveness of evaporative cooling depends on air temperature difference before and after the passing through the radiator. Indeed. The most important part of evaporative, which has the greatest impact on this factor would be the coolest pad. This then allows one of the most important in aEvaporative coolers.
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